Content is Key

It is no secret that content is key when it comes to an e-commerce business. All successful businesses plan their content in advance... and I don't mean a week in advance, I mean months in advance. Thinking of content ideas can often be the hardest part. Below are some content ideas for your small business.

Instagram stories

  • Monday: This or That
  • Tuesday: Inspiration, style ideas or announcements 
  • Wednesday: Customer reposts, shares or feedback
  • Thursday: New Arrivals, latest products or best-sellers
  • Friday: Highlights or behind the scenes
  • Saturday: Interactive stories e.g quiz, get to know or polls
  • Sunday: Showcasing products

Instagram posts

  • Giveaways
  • Campaign content
  • Customer content
  • Aesthetic photos
  • Quotes
  • Important announcements
  • Reels

Tik Tok

PRO TIP: Always use trending sounds or recreate trends.

  • Behind the scenes e.g shoots
  • How your business started
  • Workspace tour
  • Day in the life
  • Packing orders
  • Product how-to e.g how to use, how to style
  • Sneak peaks
  • Sale announcements (definitely utilise trends for this video)
  • Mistakes you've made
  • Your successes
  • Things that just make sense in your business